Sufism is defined by its adherents as the inner, mystical dimension of Islam.A practitioner of this tradition is generally known as a Sufi. Sufism is a discipline, a system of education that facilitates the journey of self-knowledge, a journey which enables the individual to discover his stable reality. Cognition of our true self enables us to free ourselves from our limitations and attachments, and experience freedom, peace, and tranquility in our everyday lives. "Whoever cognized his true self has cognized God."
The message of all Prophets has been through time: Know yourself. Know the "being" who is everlasting and not restricted to the body, to desires, and all the action and reaction that takes place continuously. The Prophets are not addressing the elements that make up the various organs including the brain, the memory and the senses. They are not addressing the behaviors learned through the various socialization processes. They are addressing the "being" who has existed ever since the baby was born, and continued to be constant through out the changes that the child underwent until it reached adulthood. Everything changed –the body, ideas, ideals, thoughts, goals, etc.—but the "being" called "I" always remained constant.
Sufism is a discipline, a method and a way that teaches humans how to discover and unfold their true self, the "I". Know the "being" who is your true identity, the source of your becoming, the source of knowledge, so you may live in peace and balance. Sufism is the method through which the Prophets attained the cognition of God, and their true self. Sufism arose out of the quest for some Muslims to find greater meaning in life, God and in Islam itself.
Two origins of the word sufi have been suggested. Commonly, the lexical root of the word is traced to Safa which in Arabic means "purity". Another origin is Suf "wool", referring to the simple cloaks the early Muslim ascetics wore.The Sufi is the one who wears wool on top of purity. The sufi is one who is a lover of Truth, who by means of love and devotion moves towards the Truth, towards the perfection which all are truly seeking.
Sufism, to its followers meant to acquire the inner knowledge, the enlightenment that could enable them to realise the Truth, which is also the underlying objective of all the religions. This being central to all religions, the Sufi fundamentals existed in all religions and, therefore, Sufism travelled beyond the borders of religion.
A Sufi seeker has to complete his journey to self-realisation. He has to find his Beloved within himself, for He can be found only in a heart that has been purified by the fire of love. The distance, however, can be covered in a moment, the Truth can be realised in a moment, if one wants it as desperately as a drowning man wants the air.
One of the most fundamental principles of Sufism is that whatever exists is the manifestation of the one absolute knowledge that pervades everything and is not limited to time or place. Therefore, the closest place to gain access to this knowledge is within one's own self. This is why Islam proclaims the Oneness of Existence --- la ilaha-illa’llah --- or, “there is no other but God.” This is the true human dignity granted to humans - that there is no separation between him and God. As stated in the Holy Qur’an (50:16), “I am closer to you than your jugular vein.”
The foundation of all “religions” is the same principle, and that is the principle of unity. The Prophets came with the good news, that there is a God and each individual could know him. If there is only one Reality, one God, there can be only one Religion. Therefore, what does the word “religions” mean, and what is the Reality of Religion. There are no differences within the original doctrines of the different religions. The differences exist in the interpretation among people.
Sufism teaches love. Ordinary love, which is a manifestation of divine love, has real traces of true love. The lives of those who are in love are full of meaning and purpose. They are positive, hopeful, passionate, and giving. They see beauty as more beautiful and problems as less severe. However, because ordinary love is changeable and unstable, these feelings can turn into the opposite. Real love, the rapture that is hidden in the "I", is constant, and its positive characteristics are permanent and eternal.
The substance of Sufism is the Truth and the meaning of Sufism is the selfless experiencing and actualization of the Truth. The practice of Sufism is the intention to go towards the Truth, by means of love and devotion. This is called the tarigat, the spiritual path or way towards God. 'If you want to see the Reality You would find there nothing but The true reflection of the Almighty.
The Sufis are the men of the highest morality. They are the people who behave according to the need of the time. They are not bound by the shackles of rituals and customs. Religion for them is important only so long as it does not hinder spiritual progress. The greatest religion for them is the love for the humanity and not to hurt anyone’s feelings. Their objective being to evolve as a complete man by improving one’s character and conduct the principles and practices adopted by them revolve around these central ideas and are to be seen in this light.
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