Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Be tolerant

In the present time we are facing so many feuds in the name of religion. when it comes to religion we become over sensitive. Most of us consider our religious identity as our real identity. So if someone says anything objectionable about our religion or does anything to defame it we feel offended. There is a visible increase of religious intolerance among us. This leads to communal riots.

Religious diversity is not a new thing for India. People of different religions and faiths are living here for centuries. This society had adopted them and allowed them to follow their customs.

Why are we becoming so intolerant about other religions. Why we think that the religion we follow is the  best religion and no other religion is equivalent to it. Everybody has a right to live according to his faith. He has a right to feel proud about his religion but no one has a right to claim that all other religions are inferior. One should never say or do something against other persons faith. We try to maintain religious harmony and allow other people freedom to practice his religion.

Religion is integral part of our life. It regulates our life so we can prepare ourselves to connect to GOD. This is the only object of any religion. If we follow our religion without intention to connect ourselves to GOD then it becomes mere dogma and loses its meaning.

A person who follow his religion to know GOD can never do anything which hurts another person's feelings. Our religious identity is not our real identity. We all are creation of GOD. In this way we all are related to each other as children of GOD. Therefore if someone Incommodes other person he commits a crime against GOD.

It is our duty to follow our religion so we can get closer to GOD. But our foremost duty is to serve GOD. The best way to do this is to serve HIS children.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Be a seeker

Almost everybody have questions about the working of this nature. We are astonished to watch that how everything is happening in this world with so much perfection. The question which comes to our mind is 'Who is controlling everything with so much proficiency.'

Some of us even think about the purpose of our existence. Why we are on this earth. Just to complete a term called life. To earn a  livelihood, accumulate some wealth, give birth to children and raise them, and one day leave everything here and die.

Human beings have many shortcomings but they have one very good quality. They can think. They can try to make progress in their life. They can find answers of the questions arising in  their mind.

Questions arise in so many minds but only few of us try to find their answers. One who tries to do so is known as 'SEEKER'.

A seeker is curious to know about his real identity. He tries to find his relationship with 'GOD'. He never retreats himself by fearing with difficulties come to his way. He is always ready to surpass all hurdles to reach his goal.

The path which is opted by a seeker is full of difficulties. Therefore a seeker must be fearless. Only a fearless person can move ahead on this path.

He should also be enthusiastic about his mission. Enthusiasm develops confidence in him which helps him to overcome every obstacle.

He should be patient during his efforts. Some times he may have the feeling that he is making no progress. During this period he should keep patience and should try not to give up.

Out of millions only few becomes seeker and among them very few get success in this life. But one should not get discouraged because even a small step taken towards this goal is not going to be wasted.

Bhagavad Gita 'As It Is' 2.40: "In this endeavor there is no loss or diminution, and a little advancement on this path can protect one from the most dangerous type of fear."

Therefore one should not leave this path in the middle. One's sincere efforts will lead him to success. If he can't get his goal in this life he will be given birth in a family where he will get opportunity to continue his journey.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Story time [Be persistent in your efforts]

There was a thirsty crow. He was searching for water. He saw a pitcher of  water. But there was very little water at the bottom of pitcher. The crow wanted to quench his thirst. He saw some pebbles scattered there on the ground. He got an idea. The crow started to drop them one by one in the pitcher. Slowly slowly water level started to rise. Same it came up to the brim. The crow drank the water and flew away.

This simple story gives a great message. If one is persistent in his efforts like crow he can achieve his desired goal. When you have a difficult task don't give up thinking that it is unattainable. Think about what crow did. It was difficult for him to drink water from the bottom of pitcher. He did not give up but dropped pebbles in pitcher and water came up. It was not easy for him but he did it.  When RIGHT BROTHERS were making their flying machine they failed in there efforts for so many times. But they tenaciously adhered to their goal and at last succeeded in making aeroplane.

Believe in your goal and don't give up until you get success. If you are sincere in your efforts nothing can stop you to get success.