Wednesday, May 4, 2016

If hope lost everything lost

Whatever happens in this world is possible because of 'Hope.' If there is no hope nothing can be achieved.

"Everything that is done in the world is done by hope."
Martin Luther king Jr.

Hope is the biggest treasure. It shows us possibility of something to be happened in future which is unknown.
Hope is the basis of all our actions. If we lose hope we will become inactive.
A farmer hopes to reap a good crop. So he ploughs his field. sows the seed, removes the weeds and water his crop. No matter what happens in future but he works hard in hope to get a good crop. But if he has no hope. He will not work hard in his field.
Hope is a great gift of God which motivates us to work hard even in difficult times.

Bible says"Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they  will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. "

Yes Hope has a power to do wonder. Hope rejuvenate you when you feel tiered. It gives you strength to move on when there is pitch dark and path you are treading is unknown to you. When you are feeling to give up it is hope which helps you to retain your faith.
Faith can be defined as the substances for which we can't give evidence but feel their existence.
Hope and Faith are interdependent things. When you have hope that God will take care of me then you can have faith in Him. When you have faith it strengthens your hope.
Faith and Hope help you to sustain in the worst condition. Both help you to keep possibilities alive. Always think that their is a possibility. There is a chance for you to come out of the difficult situation you are in.
Hope shows you the brighter side. Remember even the darkest night sees the dawn.

Monday, May 2, 2016

A 'HOPE' for special children

when innovative thought and courage combine together the outcome is always unique. 'Sai Bakery' came into existence through such a combination. This bakery is unique in itself. This bakery is run and managed by youth in their twenties and thirties who are suffering from various kinds of Developmental Disabilities like Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation, Autism etc. Here these children get a chance to mingle with each other. Which helps them to communicate with each other and society. Working here they also feel that they are also productive members of society. Such feeling boost their morals. They get a sense of self confidence.

This project is supported by DORAI Foundation (Development Opportunities Resources Access Insight) which is dedicated to the cause of such children.

Sai Bakery is the result of positive attitude of Sumithra Prasad (General Secretary of DORAI) and courage of his son Srinivas suffering withAsperger's Syndrome.  Being a renowned social activist Sumithra Prasad knew that their is hardly any institution which can help adult people suffering from learning disabilities to get proper opportunities. So when her son Srinivas expressed his desire to open a bakery taking his friends together she welcomed his idea. 

Sai bakery produces 25 varieties of delicious eggless cookies of whole wheat multi grain. Here everyone gets a job according to the interest and capacity. 
The atmosphere of bakery is always positive and full of joy. It is like a family where all members live happily. They help each other to learn and grow.

Sai Bakery is a hope to children with special needs and their parents.

The Better India Talkies: SAI BAKERY

A'HOPE' for special children on Speaking

Sunday, May 1, 2016


"The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference. The opposite of faith is not Hersey, it's indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference."

Society is an amalgamation of different kind of people. Though we are living our own lives and work for making it comfortable and happy. But our lives are depend on each other.
A society can progress only when it's benefit reaches even to the weakest section of society. If we want to march ahead leaving a section of society behind it will create a havoc. Hence the real progress is in taking every section of society together in journey of progress.
But we don't act on this principle. We hardly think about others. We are just concerned to our own benefit.
Slowly and gradually we are becoming 'Indifferent' to each other.
Lot more is happening around us but we hardly get affected by it. For example if someone met with an accident and is lying on the road bleeding badly. Many people will stop for few moments and then will move on without giving the person any help. They think that someone else should call the police or ambulance because it is not their job. Why they involve themselves in this and get into trouble. This is why many people die in road accidents as they don't get help in time.
This indifference is the cause of many troubles. We fail to understand that something similar can happen to us also.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Broad vision of a sightless man

"The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight, but has no vision."

It is not true that one who born with any disability is worthless. To do something we need patience, courage and positive approach towards life. One who has self confidence and a right thinking can make his own place despite his physical challenges.
Srikant bolla has proved himself. He is CEO of a 50 crores worth company Bollant Industries Pvt Ltd. This company provides job opportunities to differently able persons. This is appreciable as Srikant himself was born sightless. 
The villagers advised his parents to end the boy's life as it will end their miseries. But his parents accepted him as God's gift. His early education began in village school where he used to sit on back bench. Teachers didn't pay attention to him. Still he patiently walked 5 km distance on his foot for two years. Finding no improvements in him his father decided to admit him in a school for children with special needs at Hyderabad. The love compassion and care given there had a positive effect on him. He was acquainted with the game of cricket and chess. He learned the things  very fast and performed well in his class. He also got a chance to participate in Lead India project of former President late Sri APJ Abdul Kalam Azad.
Despite all these achievements he was not allowed to study science for his 12th board examination on the ground that he was blind. Instead of giving up and to study Arts he fought for his right. After six months struggle he received a letter saying he could opt science on his own risk. He took the challenge and scored 98% marks in 12th board examination. But when he applied for IIT BITS Pillani and other engineering entrance examinations he was again denied on the same ground. This he decided to search colleges outside India. He applied for colleges in US and was selected for MIT {Massachusetts Institute of Technology} on scholarship. 

After completing his course he had to choose whether to accept opportunities offered to him in US or to come back and work for differently able persons who were not getting fair chance. He decided for second option and returned to india.  He created a service platform to help these people in getting education, training and equality. But soon he realized that it was difficult for them to get a job. So he decided to do something in this regard. In this way the Bollant industries Pvt Ltd came into existence. It produces Eco friendly products and packaging materials for domestic and international market. In this way industry works for three causes. It creates job opportunities for differently able people. As the raw material used is mostly agricultural waste it gives farmer a chance to earn and makes environment free from hazards of plastic and Styrofoam to some extent. Bollant Industries pvt Ltd is lead by an efficient team. Apart from Srikant Ms. Swarnlata  Takkilapati, Mr. S Prabakar Reddy and Mr. Ravi Mantha are there to help the cause. It is Srikant's efforts that many differently able people are getting a chance to live with dignity.
Srikant's life gives us a hope that no matter what your condition is if you have patience and work hard with courage and positive attitude you can make your life an ideal for others.

Broad vision of a sightless man on Speaking

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Accept yourself

We are very concerned about how others will accept us. How they will react upon the way we dress, talk and live. We need approval of others.
Why we want others to accept us. Why we have fear to be rejected by others.
The answer is we don't accept ourselves as we are.

"Accept yourself as you are otherwise you will never see opportunity. You will not feel free to move towards it. You will feel you are not deserving."

By not accepting ourselves we create a sense of doubt for ourselves. This doubt becomes the cause of low self-esteem. A person without self confidence is like a gadget without power. A gadget which has in built functions but can not be used due to lack of power.
Believing in self helps us to know our strengths. It gives us a sense of our ability to do things. We accept those opportunities which come to us and work hard to get success.

"The worst loneliness is not to be comfortable with yourself."

We live in a society. Where we are surrounded by people related to us as family, friends, neighbours. Being a social creature we want to be loved and cared by them. But most of the time we find ourselves lonely. We think that no one likes us or cares for us. We started to think that there is a problem with me. I am not so attractive or successful like others. That is why people avoid me. This results in a low self-esteem. We create a shell around us and try to hide ourselves in it. In this way we make ourselves more lonely.
The problem here is same. We don't accept ourselves. To be loved and to get respect from others it is necessary to love and respect yourself.
One who is a friend of himself can make friends easily. A person who is satisfied with himself is satisfied with others.

"Friendship with oneself is all important, because without it one cannot be friends with anyone else in the world."

Be friend with your own self you will find the whole world is a friend of you.

"Wanting to be someone else is a waste of a person you are."

You are unique in your own way. Nature has blessed you with many qualities. You don't need to fit yourself in other person's shoe.
Most of the time we fail to understand the fact that if we try to mould ourselves in someone else's cast we will destroy ourselves. We can't be anyone else because we have our own personality. Our own way of thinking, our strengths and weaknesses. Which separates us from others.
Instead of trying to be someone else accept your unique self.

"If you begin to understand what you are without trying to change it, then what you are undergoes a transformation."

Accept yourself on Speaking

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

What you offer to life

Most of the time we complain about life. Whatever life has given us we hardly satisfy with it. We have so many "If".
'If I have more mony' 'If I am a little more taller' 'If I have looks like him/her'
All these 'If' always remain with us. We always want more from life.
But we hardly consider what we are giving to life. Are we utilizing in full whatever life has given us.
The question is not how much you have but how efficiently you utilize it.
Instead of asking more from life start giving it back. Use your strength, your intelligence, your thinking for the progress of yourself and your surrounding.

"In whatever condition your life is, If you want you can use it for better. "

Don't think what is the condition of your life. In all situations life is bigger than anything. Complaining about it is not going to help us. Find the ways to make it meaningful.

"Focus on your dream and do everything in your power. You have the power to change your life circumstances."NICK VUJICIC

You have ability to change the circumstances of your life if you act according to your ability.
So do whatever you can to make your life beautiful for you and your society.

"In life you have two choices 'Bitter' or 'Better', Choose better. Forget bitter."NICK VUJICIC

Choice is your. Complain about life and be bitter or utilize your power to be better.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

A little change in you can change the world

Once upon a time there was a king who ruled a prosperous country. Once a thorn pricked his princess's sole. He loved her vary much. He couldn't bear her screaming in pain. So he ordered his ministers to cover whole land with leather. The ministers were in a difficult situation. They didn't know how to arrange so much leather. But they could not tell this to king. The youngest of the ministers was a wise man. He bought a pair of leather shoes and offered them to princess.

This story gives us a very important lesson. Sometimes we exaggerate a problem and try to find big solution for it. While it can be solved by a little thinking. As the king presented the problem in a very big way and gave an impractical solution of it. But his minister looked at the problem as it was and came up with a practical solution for it.
Another lesson which can be learnt from this story is that trying to change the world around you is not a wise thing to do because it is not possible. So it is better to change yourself. The solution of the problem is not in outside world but it is within you.