There is so much disruiption in this world. Bombings, Terrorist attacks, Murders, Rapes taking place around us.
We fail to understand a simple fact that all this is affecting the psychology of our children. They will grow up in a society where there will be no peace. Without peace there will be no happiness.
This is the nature of law every action has its reaction. So by disturbing the peace of outside world we are destroying the peace within us. When there is no peace within us we can't think properly. This will affect our ability to make right decision. Because only a calm and peaceful mind can think properly.
We are responsible to provide our children and coming generations a world where they can live happily.
To create a world of harmony and peace the first lesson we need to learn is that every life is valuable. We should respect other person's feelings. Everyone has a right to live his life on his own term. Every individual has a different personality. He has his own thoughts, likes and dislikes. We should accept the person as he is and let him live his life according to them.
The other lesson we should learn that the way you don't like to be treated is not good for others too. So while treating other persons we should be careful and try not to act in a manner which can hurt others.
Similarly if someone hurts your feelings or disrespects your thoughts try not to get upset. Try to forgive that person as if you don't do this and try to take your revenge it will destroy your inner peace.
" Forgive others not because they deserve forgiveness but because you deserve peace. "
The desire of power is another thing which is the cause of feuds. One man wants power over another man. A nation tries to suppress another. The follower of one sect considers his sect superior to other sects and tries to persuade others to follow his sect.
When there is desire to gain power over other there is also a sense of superiority. This leads to hatred for others. This hatred gives birth to violence. Violence kills peace.
To maintain peace it is needed to replace love of power with power of love.
Happiness is the product of peace. If we want happiness for us and for our coming generations we should try to restore peace.
Love all, give respect and treat everyone with dignity.The only path for happiness is ' Peace '
Let us all pray that everyone be happy and peace be every where.
Om Shanti Shantiऊँ शांति शांति
We are on this earth to live. But what is the meaning of living a life.
Is it just passing your time which allotted to you.
No certainly not. Living a life means to create. Utilize whatever God has given to you.
To create does not mean to do extraordinary things. Creation is making your life useful for you as well as for others within your capacity. It is to create small moments which give happiness.
Small differences made by you in your surrounding make you different.
"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is
what difference we have made to the lives of others that will
determine the significance of the life we lead."
Nelson Mandela
Do not waste whatever good qualities are lying within you. Utilize your qualities in full within your capacity.
It is your duty to add meaning to life given to you. Sometimes situation is hard. It is not easy to live. But giving up can't be a solution. Only keeping your hope alive and giving a challenge to hardships will do. Only you can make your life valuable. No one else can do this for you. So don't waste your life. Just Live it.
' Paint your picture on canvas of life with whatever colours life has given you. '
Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence, and I learn, whatever state I may be in, therein to be content.
Life is to create on Speaking tree.com